Community Leaders
Empower Yourself and Your Co-workers using the Science of Mindfulness.
Wise@Work Community Leaders facilitate weekly gatherings that help teams reduce stress, develop emotional intelligence and build community in the workplace.
Ready to Make a Positive Impact in Your Workplace?
As a Community Leader, you'll play a vital role in supporting a mindful company culture by facilitating Wise@Work Communities curriculum.
Leadership. Growth. Development.
Benefits of Being a Community Leader
- Leadership Experience
Community Leaders learn to lead group conversations on a wide range of topics
- Professional Growth
Community Leaders build flexibility and strengthen the ability to think on one’s feet
- Personal Development
Community Leaders develop new habits and ways of working

What Does a Community Leader Do?
Community Leaders organize Wise@Work Communities sessions at their place of work, bringing together colleagues to share in mindfulness learning and practice.
Anyone can be a Wise@Work Community Leader, all it takes is a few minutes each week!
Get Expert Support from Wisdom Labs
Community Leaders join a powerful cross-company network of mindful professionals that are helping to build more resilient workplaces all over the world.
Community Leaders also have access to real-time guidance from senior Wisdom Labs faculty, where they can share progress and prepare for upcoming sessions.

What Community Leaders Are Saying
Answers to your most important questions
If you are passionate about improving your team or your organization and are willing to invest approximately 45 minutes on a weekly basis, then you are an ‘ideal’ Community Leader. You don’t need any prior meditation experience or deep understanding of mindfulness in order to be a Community Leader – you simply need to be willing to engage in the weekly session, coordinate meeting logistics and be a passionate advocate for the program within your organization. If you travel on a regular basis, we recommend that you co-lead your community with a colleague.
Supported by a robust digital toolkit, regularly scheduled support calls with senior Wisdom Labs Faculty, and premium access to the one-of-a-kind Wise@Work app, you take on a meaningful leadership role in creating company culture. You become instrumental in driving individual and organizational behavior change from the inside out. The best part is that you not only become more skilled and effective at work, but also deepen and shape your relationships with family and friends.
You do. Community Leaders are volunteers. If you are a program sponsor (HR leader), think about change makers, those with lots of questions and the drive to have an impact. Community Leaders can be at all levels of the organization.
If you are not in HR but are passionate about these topics, you may be the perfect person to bring this program to your organization by becoming a Community Leader.
Community Leaders build practice communities in their organizations. They book a conference room for their weekly session; invite their teams; and facilitate the 30-minute session using the plug-n-play content provided by Wisdom Labs. They also send out weekly communication emails to their participants. Throughout the week, they are the role model for Wise@Work Communities.
Approximately 45 minutes per week – 30 minutes for the weekly sessions and 15 minutes for email invites and follow-ups. In addition, Community Leaders are asked to participate in two one-time orientation webinars for 60 and 90 minutes, respectively. These webinars are only required at the beginning of the program.