Engage Your Colleagues with 30 Days of Mental Wellbeing

Easy-to-implement 30-day workplace wellbeing challenges, powered by Wise@Work.
Get in touch with us to learn more:
Trusted by industry leaders

What is the Challenge?
Wise@Work Challenges support your entire company’s wellbeing with a month of free access to the Wise@Work App.
Throughout the month, employees build community and create new healthy work habits by completing 20 short audio practices on their smartphone.
As a Challenge Leader you’ll gain valuable insight into your workplace’s mental wellbeing and a quick mindfulness boost employees will actually enjoy!
Impact You Can See

Past challenge participants reported measurable improvement in their well-being in 1 month including:

19% Increase in Calm and Balance

8% Increase in Focus and Productivity

8% Increase in Connection and Teamwork

What's Included:

Join companies across the globe for a free, community-focused wellbeing boost:

Premium Wise@Work App Access for All Employees

Kickoff Webinar and Wise@Work App Demo

Guided 30-Day Challenge

Personalized Data-Insights Session
What Participants are Saying:
How It Works:
1. Sign Up Your Company

• Get started in just 15 minutes! Participating organizations receive:
• Premium access to the Wise@Work app for your entire company
• Challenge Toolkit with email templates and best practices
• Live Kickoff Webinar for staff orientation
• Engagement Dashboard with aggregate usage data and wellbeing scores
• Post-challenge data insights session

2. Practice Mindfulness All Month
• Employees download the Wise@Work app on their smartphone
• Opt-into the challenge to learn and practice mindfulness all month
• Explore hundreds of bite-sized modules designed for the workday
• Track progress with the in-app leaderboard
• Complete 20 practices to meet the challenge
3. Grow Together

• Easy, in-app onboarding assessment establishes a baseline
• Automated re-assessments after 100 minutes of practice
• Data-driven impact analysis from Wisdom Labs
• Set the stage for future well-being programs with data in hand

What's the Catch?
There’s no catch! Enjoy Wise@Work with no costs, contracts, or payments required.
About Wisdom Labs
Wisdom Labs is building wiser workplaces for a better world with digital solutions designed to promote positive behavior change in the workplace. Wisdom Labs’ Wise@Work products help hundreds of organizations improve performance, increase engagement, and build stress resilience—leading to lower healthcare costs and reduced turnover.